Resilience & Development

Spanning natural sciences, economics and finance, our research increases understanding of the relationships between environmental change, the economy, the financial system, and people and the solutions to advance a resilient, inclusive and sustainable world for all.

We work collaboratively with governments, international organisations, financial institutions, regulators, industry, other universities and civil society organisations to help align policy and global systems with sustainability goals, to protect people and planet and secure prosperity for all.

Our research is global and focussed on systems – working at the intersection of climate, nature, water, food, health, infrastructure, economy and finance – providing analytics and evidence to support decision makers to embed resilience and sustainability into policy, planning and finance.

We work to help improve decision making and generate solutions across sectors and scales, from individual resilient investments to innovative financial products, local adaptation policy and planning, to the global financial system and multilateral development finance.

NatureFinance@Oxford Seminar Series 2024

DPhil Students

Greg Briffa
DPhil student
Emma O'Donnell
DPhil student
Estelle Paulus
DPhil student
Akaraseth Puranasamriddhi
DPhil student

Advisory Group members

Emma Howard Boyd
Chair, London Climate Resilience Review
Catherine Bremner
Impax Assessment Management
Kathryn Brown OBE
Director of Climate Change and Evidence, The Wildlife Trust
Rowan Douglas
Insurance Development Forum and CEO, Climate Risk and Resilience
Stephane Hallegatte
Senior Climate Change Advisor, World Bank Group
Ingrid Holmes
Executive Director, Green Finance Institute
Richard Jones
Science Fellow, Met Office
Nick Mabey
Chief Executive and a founder director of E3G
Katie Spooner
Head of Green Finance, Environment Agency
Dorian van Raalte