FoSTr: Foresight for food systems transformation

Netherlands Government through the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

FoSTr provides a country support facility for food systems foresight and scenario analysis. The country-led and multi-actor foresight process aims to assist national food systems transformation.

The programme supports the dialogue, analysis and understanding necessary for co-creating food systems of the future that are sustainable, healthy, equitable and resilient. Implemented in five focus countries, FoSTr also supports the global networking and knowledge sharing activities of Foresight4Food.

What does FoSTr offer?

  • Support for organising national food system foresight processes with broad stakeholder involvement
  • Opportunities for enhancing the capability of research institutions, government agencies, and community organisations to facilitate and support food systems foresight processes
  • Access to better ‘futures knowledge’ on food systems for policy makers and other decision makers
  • Insights into options and pathways for food system transformation
  • Practical methods and tools for facilitating food systems analysis and foresight processes
  • Multi-stakeholder engagement and learning informed by access to data, use of computer modelling, and graphic presentation of critical information
  • A mechanism for countries to share experiences and learn from each other’s experiences
  • Through the Foreisght4Food initiative, a global community of practice for providers and users of food systems foresight


External team

Jim Woodhill
FoSTr Initiative lead
Just Dengerink
Country Facilitator FoSTr Programme
Herman Brouwer