CATALYSE (Climate action to advance healthy societies in Europe)

EU Horizon Programme

ECI lead: Dr Marco Springmann

CATALYSE is an interdisciplinary consortium whose mission is to further develop and communicate the health impacts of climate change, and respond to the urgent need for solutions.

Despite clear signs that the impacts of climate change are escalating, the global response has been inadequate. Traditional scientific efforts have fallen short of providing knowledge and tools that have been broadly applied in decision-making, and innovative approaches to knowledge translation are needed.

To catalyse climate action in Europe to protect public health, our overarching goal is to provide new knowledge, data, and tools on:

  • The relationships between changes in environmental hazards caused by climate change, ecosystems, and human health
  • The health co-benefits of climate action
  • The role of health evidence in decision making
  • The societal implications of climate change for health systems. 

Project consortium

The CATALYSE project is led by ISGlobal and includes:

  • Private Universitat Fur Gesundheitswissenschaften, Medizinischeinformatik Und Technik Gmbh
  • Hertie School Gemmeinnutzige GMBH
  • Simbiotica SL 
  • International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
  • Azienda Sanitaria Locale Roma 1 
  • Umea Universitet
  • Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Zur Forderung Der Wissenschaften EV 
  • Escola Superior de Comerc Internacional 
  • Health and Environment Alliance Heal Aisbl
  • European Center for Agricultural, Regional and Environmental Policy Research 
  • E3-Modelling AE
  • Universidade do Porto 
  • Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya 
  • Ilmatieteen Laitos IL 
  • MASK-air
  • Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputacion 
  • Universitat Zurich
  • University College London (UCL)
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Oxford