
Dr. Raghav Pant is a Senior Research Associate at the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford. He holds a Bachelors in Technology in Civil Engineering for Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, a MSc in Civil and Environment Engineering from Princeton University, and a PhD in Industrial Engineering for University of Oklahoma.  Dr. Pant is associated with the Oxford Programme for Sustainable Infrastructure Systems (OPSIS), and has led risk and resilience analysis research teams as part of the EPSRC funded Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium. His analysis of failure criticality of Great Britain’s national infrastructure networks, undertaken in collaboration with Infrastructure UK in HM Treasury was the first piece of evidence instrumental in moving the policy thinking from silo-sectored to a multi-sector and cross-sector one. He led the first evidence-based systems analysis of interdependent network vulnerabilities of UK’s interconnected networks to support the National Infrastructure Commission’s recommendations of a new resilience framework in UK. His studies in Argentina, East Africa and Vietnam have produced first-of-their-kind regional-scale multi-modal transport network risks and resilience to evaluate and prioritize climate adaptation investments. He is also leading on-going work on the development of a first Systemic Risk Assessment Tool (SRAT) in Jamaica

Dr Pant has worked with a range of organisations within UK and globally such as World Bank, Global Centre for Adaptation, Department for Transport, National Grid, Network Rail, JBA Group, ARUP, Scottish Water, HR Wallingford, CH2M. He held and holds PI and Co-I roles in UKRI funded project to plan for resilience of interdependent infrastructure networks exposed to multi-hazard impacts and EU H2020 funded project Multi-hazard Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Climate Adaptation His research paper on vulnerability assessment of Great Britain’s railway infrastructure was awarded the 2016 Lloyds Science of Risk Prize in Systems Modelling while another paper in co-authorship was runner-up at the 2021 Lloyds Science of Risk Prize in the cyber category He was also Highly Commended in the Early Career category of the Oxford University's Vice-Chancellor Innovation Awards 2020 for his work on New modelling tools to help governments and decisions makers minimise the risks from infrastructure failures He has been given the Award for Academic Excellence within the School of Geography and Environment (SoGE) in Oxford in 2017 and 2022.

Journal articles

  • Ilalokhoin, O., Pant, R. and Hall, J.W. (2023). A model and methodology for resilience assessment of interdependent rail networks – Case study of Great Britain's rail network. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 229: 108895. doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2022.108895
  • Verschuur, J., Pant, R., Koks, E. and Hall, J.W. (2022). A systemic risk framework to improve the resilience of port and supply-chain networks to natural hazards. Maritime Economics & Logistics, 1-18. doi: 10.1057/s41278-021-00204-8
  • Paltán, H.A., Pant, R., Braeckman, J.P., and Dadson, S.J. (2021). Increased water risks to global hydropower in 1.5° C and 2.0° C warmer worlds. Journal of Hydrology, 126503. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126503

Policy reports

Peer reviewed conference proceedings

  • Pant, R., Jaramillo, D., & Hall, J.W. (2023). Systemic assessment of climate risks and adaptation options for transport networks in East Africa. In: Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) 2022 Conference Proceedings, Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 8: sup2: 1-143. doi: 10.1080/23789689.2023.2181552


Hu, X., Cojoianu, T., Hall, J., Huang, J., Pant, R., Sheng, J. and Zhao, R. (2023) “Spatial Dynamics of Infrastructure Development: Using 65 years of Evidence from China.”
Pant, R., Jaramillo Araujo, D. and Hall, J. (2023) “Systemic assessment of climate risks and adaptation options for transport networks in East Africa”, Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure [Preprint].