
Eric is a postdoctoral researcher interested in power and equity at intersection of natural resource governance and policy ecology. Eric uses predominantly qualitative approaches, including in-depth ethnographic fieldwork to understand power dynamics in socio-ecological systems, including how socio-environment policies and related investments affect diverse stakeholders, and best-bet, best-fit institutional arrangements that produce equitable outcomes. He is passionate about land access as a source of, and a basis for tackling inequality in rural Africa.

Before joining the School of Geography and the Environment, Eric worked in Finland as a research scientist with the Natural Resources Institute Finland, focusing on how the European Union's policy and investments in bioeconomy projects affect land accumulation and community rights in fragile landscapes of Ghana. He also used to work as a development practitioner on forest landscape restoration, agricultural, mining land use conflicts, with Tropenbos International Ghana. Eric holds a doctorate from the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, which examined agriculture and forest conservation conflicts in Ghana.

