
Dr Emilie Vrain is a Senior Research Associate at the Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford, and a Research Fellow at Green Templeton College. As a social scientist, her research uses both quantitative and qualitative methods, analysing factors which influence the adoption and use of digital low carbon innovations. Emilie currently works on the iDODDLE project funded by the European Research Council and is investigating the underlying mechanisms of digital daily life and the impacts on climate change. 

Prior to joining ECI, Emilie was based at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at UEA, where she was working on the ‘Social Influence and disruptive Low Carbon Innovations’ project (SILCI). Her work focused on social networks, communication behaviour and the role of social influences related to a range of consumer-facing low carbon innovations.

Emilie has a PhD in sustainable agriculture from the University of East Anglia (UEA). Her thesis explored the role of farm advice in the adoption of water pollution mitigation measures amongst farmers in the UK. Emilie has also worked on multiple projects funded by Defra to inform UK agri-environmental policy and post-Brexit strategies for sustainable land management and farmer engagement. She has delivered a variety of policy reports on farmer behaviour change, farm advice, natural capital, and community collaborations, and led a national knowledge dissemination project as part of the Demonstration Test Catchments – a 10-year multi-disciplinary project which assessed the effectiveness of on-farm water pollution mitigation measures.

Featured Publications

Vrain, E.  “Me or the machine, who decides? Acceptance spillover of digital automation for a sustainable transition”, in European Network of Living Labs. Google Scholar   ORA

Vrain, E. and Wilson, C.  “Automation acceptance for sustainable digital daily life” ORA

Vrain, E. and Wilson, C. (2024) Energy Demand Detectives. Can you uncover the secrets of household automation?. ECEEE Summer Study poster.


Vrain, E., Amanta, F., Kumar, P. and Seger, M. (2024) The Impacts of Digitalised Daily Life on Climate Change. The British Academy.
Vrain, E., Wilson, C. and Andrews, B. (2022) “Rejection of innovations: The discontinuance of low carbon digital products and services”, in Eceee Summer Study Proceedings, pp. 1145–1154.
Vrain, E. and Wilson, C. (2021) “Social influence in the adoption of digital consumer innovations to mitigate climate change”, in Conference Proceedings - BEHAVE 2020-2021: the 6th European Conference on Behaviour Change for Energy Efficiency. Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency, pp. 85–88.